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Meet Blessing

Blessing is the lead consultant at

… on surface a company whose name is culled from her name. However, the vision for the company and its name is in her belief in the infinite power of the human mind as a propeller and anchor to improve outcomes either for oneself and/or for others.

blessing izoha

Blessing believes everyone is blessed in unique ways, each person’s blessing able to bless other people too. Therefore, we can all be a blessedblessing. The journey to becoming this, she believes starts from knowing yourself.

Initially a geologist by training, her passion for social justice and advocacy brought her into the world of social care; a career hinged on her value driven approach, curiousity and commitment to people and their outcomes. She spent 8 years working in frontline social work teams within 2 local authorities before venturing into the world of health and care regulation at the Care Quality Commission (CQC) where she spent 8 years in substantive roles regulating a variety of services. She remains a part of CQC’s advisory and complementary workforce. Over the years she has used her experience to bring about better outcomes for people through her professional roles and through coaching.

Blessing started theblessedblessing to follow her passion which is to support individuals, providers and local authorities adult social care in their improvement journey including embracing regulations. In these roles, she seen good and poor practices and states that most providers want to deliver good services, where they do not this, it is mostly due to poor understanding of requirements and regulations. She states that some who deliver good care have the potential to provide even better/outstanding care that can empower people and further influence inclusion in the wider society.

If you’ve got the vision, let Blessing support you to further unlock your potential and gain clarity to demystify what it
means to be outstanding…

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